A resounding win (5-0) for Hertfordshire Ladies against Bedfordshire on a somewhat 'quirky' and 'mountainous' course in dry but windy conditions more akin to Autumn than the hot summer days of recent weeks. 5 teams played pairs matchplay with some excellent golf and scores being recorded. A couple of long range birdie putts were reported in more than one game matched only by the broad smiles that accompanied them. Bedfordshire ladies took their loss in good spirits and judging by the loud chatter and laughs over the post match meal, there were no hard feelings. No doubt Bedfordshire will be keen to get their revenge next year! Well done (as always) to our Friendlies Secretary, Suzanne for all her hard work in putting on such an enjoyable event.
8 teams played a 4bbb team game with 2 ladies from each county.
The winning team was Val Morrison, Sarah Staines (Herts), May Burn and Liz Smith (Cambs & Hunts). NTP on the 7th was won by Debbie Osman (Herts).
Everyone enjoyed the day; the course was in excellent condition and the food enjoyable. Thanks to Di Tass for compiling the results.
At long last, the sun decided to make an appearance and we had a very warm, dry day. After all the truly awful weather of recent
weeks, it made a very welcome change. Our format was teams of 4 (2 from Herts; 2 from Essex) and scores best 2 of 4 with all to
count on The Hertfordshire's taxing par 3's. The club looked after us extremely well providing a fabulous summer buffet for our post match meal. The winning team benefitted from some local knowledge provided by organiser Suzanne Carey who was joined by Lesley Carter together with Essex ladies, Barbara Church and Angie Jones.

Match v Bedfordshire Lady Captains Society on Monday 1st August 2022
We had our third friendly game at South Beds on 1st August where we once again played in teams of 4. The winning ladies were Jan Olson-Williams and Gerry Grant from Herts and Anne McGregor and Sandra Gardner from Beds with a terrific score of 129 (best 3 scores to count). It was a most enjoyable day and yet again a good ‘bonding’ format. Our final game of the season is on 22nd August at Letchworth where we will once again be using the same format.
Can I just make a plea that, if you find that you are unable to play having signed up, you contact the organiser as soon as possible. We had many ladies drop out for various reasons and finally got our full quota on the day before. Many thanks to those of you who stepped in at the eleventh hour!​
Match v Cambs and Hunts Lady Captains Society on Monday 22nd August
Our final friendly game of the season was held at Letchworth on 22nd August where, once again, we played as a team which has proved, both with the Herts ladies and our opposite numbers, to be a popular format. The weather was kind to us, the company wonderful, the staff attentive and the food superb. The winning four were Deb Osman, Lorraine Charles, Edie Robinson and Sue Kent.
My thanks to Cambs and Hunts and also to all the ladies who have played in these friendly matches throughout the season, many of whom have stood in at the very last minute.